Saturday, September 12, 2009

Burn out the sun, oh wait... Let's burn it anyway

Finally! I got all the All Time Low albums, high five for me hehee. They're great and love their lyrics, not all tho cos few songs I don't really understand whats it's all about. Even randomly downloaded few songs I never heard before. I like this song 'come on come on' by Morgan Laurence.

"Dude, what happen to your hair?"
"Hahaa kan panjang hair mu lagi ka yo? Panjang kan eh cam dulu, raget"
"Oh shit Zee, really? I like you better with curly hair, but last time also hensem long hair"

Why few of my friends told me these? Yeah I got my hair rebonding again, just need to make it look smart and easy to control that's all PLUS I love my old hair do. Med-long and look like the guy from Boys like Girls. Pfftt yeah~ Oh yeah, before that I did take a picture of me with afro hair HAHAHAA.

I wanna run and hide somewhere til I feel safe to show myself outside again. I really miss her and every moment we had, yeah we're good friend and I like her being with me going out until we barely notice its after midnight. Now that she's busy.. I'm not sure what she up to but please why she just can't reply all my messages =(

Yeah I'm sad, helpless and hopeless SIGH' I got nothing to prove and she'll leave Brunei just in the next few days. Confession: I thought I'm unable to cry no more, after listening to one of her song she asked me to download and listen... Daym I cried like a little girl and looked like a lil bitch, was in miserable moment all night. I miss her so badly =( Blue and yellow, get it? yeah im sad.

Recent news I heard from a friend, I'M NOT A SWEET STALKER ALRIGHT! I DIDN'T EVEN TREAT ALL GIRL THE SAME AS IF THEY'RE MY GIRLFRIEND. Please be open minded, I'm friendly baa, don't be an asshole mouth saying I'm a sweet talker and I'm hitting on every girl I met. I don't like it and never think of becoming one. Shisshh! All those words I told to the girls I like came from this big sincere heart, I'm innocent.

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